How to keep your EDC knife sharp?

microsharpener worksharp knifestock

Maintaining sharpness is always an essential factor when you want to cut something efficiently. That's why it’s a challenge to ensure this sharpness, even when you carry the knife with you and use it for work. A sharp blade edge not only provides the most precise cut but also makes the task easier to complete. You can carry the knife with you every day, either in your pocket or backpack. You rely on this knife and use it regularly for work; for example, hunters use it during hunting. You depend on this tool, and it must not let you down – it needs to stay sharp and well-maintained.

That’s exactly what the WORK SHARP MICRO SHARPENER & KNIFE TOOL is designed for – maintaining a sharp blade and integrating basic knife maintenance functions.


You can watch the entire sharpening process step by step in the video below.

  1. Start by holding the sharpener with the diamond stone facing up.
  2. Place the heel of the blade against the angle guide (this is the point where the plastic meets the diamond rod - 25°).
  3. Slide the blade along the diamond, maintaining the angle, from the heel to the tip.
  4. Rotate the sharpener so that the ceramic rod now faces upward.
  5. Slide the blade from the heel to the tip along the ceramic rod, alternating sides (and don’t forget to keep using the angle guides).
  6. Test the blade's sharpness (you can use the paper test).

The Micro Sharpener & Knife Tool comes with an integrated Torx screw (T6, T8, T10) for blade adjustment.

Choose the screw you need, take it out of the protective case, insert it into the magnetized holder, and adjust, tighten, or reset the pivots, pocket clips, or disassemble the blade for cleaning.

Watch the full video on how to use this tool: