Manual sharpeners
(63)No household can do without knives, whether it is cooked at home more or less, the knife is a necessity, it cannot be replaced by another tool. Only a sharp knife fulfills its function, more effort is needed to cut with a blunt knife, the cut is not neat and serious injuries occur more often with a blunt knife than a sharp one.
Manual sharpeners are used for normal sharpening of knives, which do not require special skill, their use is simple and everyone can do it, they are handy, they do not take up much space in the kitchen. These simple sharpeners have an angle set with one, usually two, exceptionally three guide grooves in which there are sharpening stones made of ceramic, carbide or diamond. Depending on the stepped blade, the stone is chosen either for coarser sharpening or only for revitalizing the blade, usually from coarser to finer sharpening.
Simple manual household sharpeners are offered by the manufacturers Victorinox, Wusthof, Taidea, Work Sharp, Sharpal. The sharpeners from the Wulkanus series are excellent, the sharpening parts are made of tungsten-carbide rods. They are very popular among professional chefs and butchers, they are aesthetic and so they can complete the kitchen design.