(97)There are various situations in life, unfortunately even the unpleasant ones, when we are afraid for our own safety or the safety of someone close to us. Means of self-defense, which are commonly available, easy to carry, are handy, usually fit in a pocket, we can also hide many in our hands, or they can be carried on a belt, their use is simple and fast.
The speed of use depends on where we wear it, so they must be at hand. A common choice is a pepper spray - a jet spray or a fog spray, usable against both humans and animals. An electric stun gun is suitable for direct contact, and has the advantage over sprays that it can be used in enclosed spaces such as home entrances or taxis. Telescopic batons of various sizes are usually sold with a belt holder, but they can also be carried in a pocket.
Contact tools for defense include Koga, Yawara, an inconspicuous tactical pen, where it is good to study the use to achieve maximum effect. It is necessary to identify with each defensive device and practice its use, so we will not be surprised in dangerous moments.