(79)A specific cold weapon, usually narrow, with a sharpened blade on both sides and a pointed blade designed mainly for stabbing. The dagger as such has a long history, its origin dates back to the beginnings of humanity. The metal from which it was made changed over the centuries, it could be simple or decorated, it depended on the position of the owner. It was used for defense and attack, in man-to-man combat, in trench warfare. Today, such combat encounters occur only exceptionally, nevertheless, daggers still have their place in arsenal of various military and airborne units such as Navy Seals or SAS units.
Current military daggers are made of high-quality steel, the blade can be partially serrated and blackened, impact-resistant and weather-resistant materials are used for the handle. The scabbard is a matter of course for every dagger, it can be traditionally leather, nylon or made of various polymers, variably wearable on the MOLLE system, for example.