Outdoor equipment
(1201)Recreational camping in nature requires preparation and quality outdoor equipment. It is one thing to pack food and clothes, the other thing is equipment that we will remember when we need them most.
The popular Mil-Tec backpacks in various sizes will be used to pack equipment even during a longer stay in nature. A durable knife will be needed to cut food, chop branches or start a fire, a large number of which can be mentioned Victorinox camping pocket knives with rich equipment, or more simply Opinel, almost every manufacturer can find a suitable model.
Camping fixed knives with scabbards by Morakniv, Ontario, Muela, Fox Knives, Fällkniven, Glock and others, are larger, but also stronger, especially when they are made with full tang. Victorinox, Leatherman, Böker, Herbertz multi-tools will do a great service, with a lot of various multifunctional tools needed. Camping includes preparing fire, axes by Morakniv, Hultafors, Crkt, Condor Valhala, Karesuando will handle preparing firewood. Machetes from the manufacturers Cold Steel, Fox Knives, Kershaw, Ontario, Magnum, Kizlyar will help clean the place for camping or cut the bush. When it gets dark it is necessary to have a quality camping light packed in backpack, hand torches, headlamps, a lantern from the company Fénix, or Olight, it depends on what you prefer.
Finnish manufacturer Kupilka has developed light and durable dishes and cutlery for use in nature, Stanley thermoses and dishes, thanks to which everyone can cook delicious food, tea, coffee in nature in the fresh air. Do not forget the fire starter, which reliably starts a fire in any weather, a pocket sharpener for knives by Lansky, Fällkniven, Taidea, a Mil-Tec first aid kit, or to add camping equipment for survival. The right camping equipment will not catch us unprepared and will allow you to enjoy your stay in nature and on the road.

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